This was a school visit in Heaven park secondary, a school that caters for learners coming from Zwelisha area, Amaota area and and Phoenix area. The aim of the visit was to give moral support to both learners and educators as a result of unrest occurred in area of Phoenix.Based to the unrest and criminal activities occurred that left every one in the community shocked, learners were advised that they are the future, they are the product of democracy in which all disputes encountered should be addressed on a round table dialogue for solution.
They were advised that use of violence to address community issues in not a solution.They were encouraged to participate in our Peace tour drive campaign that aims to unite all race’s through peace and stability dialogues. They were told to love and respect one another to symbolize social cohesion at all times.They were also advised not to ever take the law into their hands, as this will lead to criminal activity, instead they must report all criminal activities to police. They were also required to write their feelings on a placard about the power of peace and unity in nation building.
Together we released balloons to fly as a symbol of Peace… Learners and educators were so grateful about the visit… A message of thanks :”I must thank Cde Siviwe and the leadership of Mayibuye Youth who led this campaign, we had real engagements with young people. The school leadership as well was very impressed with the work of Mayibuyi and we have created solid traction to keep this work going! Hats off to Cde Siviwe & Mayibuye Youth!!! “#HavenPark#MayibuyiYouth#TeamPact